#1300: Virt-manager F11 feature freeze break ----------------------+----------------------------------------------------- Reporter: crobinso | Owner: rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org Type: task | Status: new Milestone: | Component: koji Keywords: | ----------------------+----------------------------------------------------- We are planning on cutting a new virt-manager release for F11 beta. There are some pretty large and invasive changes, including a complete rewrite/redesign of the 'New VM' wizard, and a lot of rejiggering of the main manager and VM details windows.
The majority of the work is done (though offline, not posted/committed yet), however the 'New VM' wizard bits are still in flux: I'm still waiting on the final incremental design. After this, we still need enough time to advertise the changes and take in any community feedback.
Unfortunately this is being pushed to the wire, so I was hoping to get an extension for the version bump: Ideally building the new package no later than the monday morning before the beta freeze (March 9th).
Having to use an early version of the UI (or drop it altogether) will be really unfortunate: it will only offset more major UI revisions to post- GA. As I've been going, I've made avoiding regressions priority number 1, so I'm pretty confident this won't introduce any major hiccups. There are also F11 'Features' which are in part being blocked by the urgency of getting the UI locked down:
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/KVM_PCI_Device_Assignment http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/SVirt_Mandatory_Access_Control
Hopefully this is sufficient justification. Let me know if there is anything else I can provide.
#1300: Virt-manager F11 feature freeze break -----------------------+---------------------------------------------------- Reporter: crobinso | Owner: rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org Type: task | Status: new Milestone: | Component: koji Resolution: | Keywords: -----------------------+---------------------------------------------------- Comment (by jkeating):
The UI redesign won't effect anything else that uses libvirt will it?
#1300: Virt-manager F11 feature freeze break -----------------------+---------------------------------------------------- Reporter: crobinso | Owner: rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org Type: task | Status: new Milestone: | Component: koji Resolution: | Keywords: -----------------------+---------------------------------------------------- Comment (by crobinso):
Nope, all changes are specifically in the virt-manager space.
virt-install, virsh, etc. are all unaffected.
#1300: Virt-manager F11 feature freeze break -----------------------+---------------------------------------------------- Reporter: crobinso | Owner: rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org Type: task | Status: new Milestone: | Component: koji Resolution: | Keywords: -----------------------+---------------------------------------------------- Comment (by jkeating):
Then I think this change would be acceptable. Asking a QA person to review as well.
#1300: Virt-manager F11 feature freeze break -----------------------+---------------------------------------------------- Reporter: crobinso | Owner: rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org Type: task | Status: new Milestone: | Component: koji Resolution: | Keywords: -----------------------+---------------------------------------------------- Changes (by jlaska):
* cc: jlaska (added)
Is there a feature page that outlines the proposed UI changes ... maybe some screenshots or mock-ups so we know what to expect?
I'd feel much better about our odds if we can line up focused testing on the changes when they do land. Either exploratory, built-in unit tests, or some type of automated dogtail gui tests?
Are there sufficient changes that would warrant a general virt-manager Fedora Test Day (see [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/Test_Days/F11 schedule])? Perhaps coupled with the pending KVM and QEMU merge?
#1300: Virt-manager F11 feature freeze break -----------------------+---------------------------------------------------- Reporter: crobinso | Owner: rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org Type: task | Status: new Milestone: | Component: koji Resolution: | Keywords: -----------------------+---------------------------------------------------- Comment (by crobinso):
There is no feature page for the new virt-manager UI, I'm not really sure if it applies. It's not pulling in much new functionality, largely just making the general experience cleaner. Screenshots and mock ups for public consumption real soon now :) (Seriously, Friday afternoon at the latest. I'll post to et-mgmt-tools and fedoraplanet). If you think a feature page is worth it though, I'll write one up.
The likeliness of unit tests/dogtail pre beta is slim, unless someone else offers help. Looking at dogtail tests for a later release are on my TODO though.
A specific virt test day for virt-manager might be a bit much. I think just encorporating it in a 'virt' test day is sufficient: assumably it would be one of the vehicles for testing other virt features like KVM/Qemu merge, sVirt, device assignment. The new UI would get sufficient testing in the process.
#1300: Virt-manager F11 feature freeze break -----------------------+---------------------------------------------------- Reporter: crobinso | Owner: rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org Type: task | Status: closed Milestone: | Component: koji Resolution: fixed | Keywords: -----------------------+---------------------------------------------------- Changes (by jkeating):
* status: new => closed * resolution: => fixed
I'm closing this ticket since you were given a wave on getting your changes in later.