dmach reported a new issue against the project: `releng` that you are following: `` I'd like to request review of F29 system wide change: Deprecate YUM 3 ``
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mohanboddu added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` Release Engineering doesn't have to do anything with this request, but we use some of the tools that depend on yum extensively.
So, giving a heads up to the people that we know might get impacted.
@dgregor @kevin @puiterwijk @adrian
Please add any others that we missed. ``
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adrian added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` Mirrormanager uses a few yum python interfaces for repomd.xml parsing. So this might lead to problems in the code. Currently it is still running on RHEL7 systems in the fedora infrastructure, if those systems are ever changed to something without yum 3 it will become problematic.
Thanks for letting me know. Tracking this upstream: ``
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dgregor added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` @mikem please take a look and assess the impact on koji @mohanboddu thank you for the heads up. Aside from koji, which of the other tools listed in the request are used by Release Engineering? ``
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mohanboddu added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` I am mostly concerned about koji, mirrormanager and sigul.
@dgregor As we discussed, the only thing that I wanted to know from you is the impact of this change on koji only, nothing else. ``
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syeghiay added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` @mikem , did you assess the impact of this change on koji? If so, is it okay to proceed? Please advise. ``
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churchyard added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` I guess there will be no impact since there is no reply, right? :D ``
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ngompa added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` MirrorManager2 is already using Python 3 in Fedora, as of v0.9.0. It no longer uses YUM in its code.
Sigul does not use YUM itself, though it is broken because pygpgme was retired due to it being broken by changes in GnuPG v2. It needs porting to the official GPGME Python bindings and migration to Python 3.
Koji has pending pull requests to migrate to Python 3 and simultaneously drop the YUM dependency, but nobody is responding to feedback and the PRs are rotting:
* * *
At this point, we need _strong_ pokes to get Sigul (cc: @puiterwijk) and Koji (cc: @mikem, @dgregor, @tkopecek) fixed. ``
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The py3 stuff is definitely on the radar for Koji. I'll check with the team and see when we can get this moving forward.
On Sun, Jan 27, 2019, 11:25 AM Neal Gompa < wrote:
ngompa added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` MirrorManager2 is already using Python 3 in Fedora, as of v0.9.0. It no longer uses YUM in its code.
Sigul does not use YUM itself, though it is broken because pygpgme was retired due to it being broken by changes in GnuPG v2. It needs porting to the official GPGME Python bindings and migration to Python 3.
Koji has pending pull requests to migrate to Python 3 and simultaneously drop the YUM dependency, but nobody is responding to feedback and the PRs are rotting:
At this point, we need _strong_ pokes to get Sigul (cc: @puiterwijk) and Koji (cc: @mikem, @dgregor, @tkopecek) fixed. ``
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The Koji team is working on getting a 1.17 release done by the F30 devel freeze in March which will drop the yum dependency and have a lot more support for py3.
On Sun, Jan 27, 2019 at 11:29 AM Dennis Gregorovic wrote:
The py3 stuff is definitely on the radar for Koji. I'll check with the team and see when we can get this moving forward.
On Sun, Jan 27, 2019, 11:25 AM Neal Gompa < wrote:
ngompa added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` MirrorManager2 is already using Python 3 in Fedora, as of v0.9.0. It no longer uses YUM in its code.
Sigul does not use YUM itself, though it is broken because pygpgme was retired due to it being broken by changes in GnuPG v2. It needs porting to the official GPGME Python bindings and migration to Python 3.
Koji has pending pull requests to migrate to Python 3 and simultaneously drop the YUM dependency, but nobody is responding to feedback and the PRs are rotting:
At this point, we need _strong_ pokes to get Sigul (cc: @puiterwijk) and Koji (cc: @mikem, @dgregor, @tkopecek) fixed. ``
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churchyard added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` Is **the** Koji server deployed on Fedora? I'd assume it's EL. Hence we can remove yum form Fedora and let Koji deal with that in Fedora somehow (even by removing the sever bits from Fedora repos) without compromising the Koji service.
If I'm wrong and we run it on Fedora, I'm sorry for the claim. Even then I assume we would not run it on rawhide, so there would be time and pressure for those PRs to get in. ``
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ngompa added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` @churchyard Only the hub is on EL7. The rest is on Fedora. ``
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churchyard added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` Thanks. I didn't know that. In that case, we really need somebody to respond there. ``
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The status of the issue: `F29 system wide change: Deprecate YUM 3 - request for review` of project: `releng` has been updated to: Closed as Fixed by kevin.
kevin added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` This is done. yum3 is gone, we are still alive. :)
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churchyard added a new comment to an issue you are following: ``  ``
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