Valent brought up the missing ntfsprogs package... and I shrugged it off as a delayed update... but it appears it isn't just an update. There is no original ntfsprogs package in the OS package repo... so the distro can not be built. Yes, there is an ntfsprogs package in fedora-updates-testing but there should have been an original package in the non-updates repo. I'm guessing it had to have been there for the successful builds of Fedora 15 I did... but since it's not there anymore, the build can't be done. Valent said he got it to work shortly thereafter BUT I think it is because he hit an older mirror that still had the original, now disappeared package?!?
I guess the easy solution is for that ntfsprogs package to make it out of updates-testing. I've seen at least three batches of updates for Fedora 15 come through since Valent originally reported the problem... so it seems to be taking a while. I don't participate in the voting / karma thing. If I did, I guess that would help... but I don't like to use the updates-testing repo until after final release. Yeah, I suck.
Scott Dowdle
704 Church Street
Belgrade, MT 59714
(406)388-0827 [home]
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