Hi Valent,

You should use 'gsettings' if you want to change gnome 3 settings running a command. I think you'll be able to find some hints about any specific change in Internet. Also, you can look in gnome-tweak-tool's source code to see which settings does it touch. You can change the same settings using gsettings command.



valent.turkovic@gmail.com <valent.turkovic@gmail.com> wrote on Mon, 12 Mar 2012 11:57:19 +0100:
On Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 10:59 PM, Ikem Krueger
<ikem.krueger@googlemail.com> wrote:
2012/3/10 valent.turkovic@gmail.com <valent.turkovic@gmail.com>:

I was under the impression that gconftool-2 was being replaced by gconfigure.
I read something about "gsettings".

Please show me a few examples how you use gconftool-2 with Gnome 3.

My blog: http://linux-workers.posterous.com/
$ gconftool-2 --get /apps/gedit-2/preferences/editor/wrap_mode/wrap_mode
No value set for `/apps/gedit-2/preferences/editor/wrap_mode/wrap_mode'

These tools are outdated and work only for GNOME 2 :(

So please if anybody has some info how to enable GNOME 3 settings
while building GNOME 3 Fedora Remix please share that info.
