Hello all,

I'm trying to build an install-dvd for f11-i386 with a custom kernel (hardware issues).  My only available build platform is:
f11 - x86_64
kernel -
revisor - 2.1.7-1

I've tried building live media and installing from that but after the install process completes (without errors) my system hangs after the splash screen loads (or after the status bar loads if I add "nomodeset").  Pressing 'esc' shows nothing (i.e. no "Welcome to Fedora starting udev" or something like that)

My problem with install media is that it always ends with a 'kernel panic - no init found'

I tried to follow these instructions from a post on 2/15/09:

# yum install mock

Edit /etc/mock/site-defaults.cfg to bind mount /selinux into the chroot:

                                                          '/selinux/' ))


$ mock -v -r fedora-11-i386 init

$ mock -v -r fedora-11-i386 install comps-extras createrepo \
    rhpl pykickstart livecd-tools anaconda-runtime squashfs-tools \
    busybox-anaconda notify-python usermode pam python automake \
    intltool gettext desktop-file-utils glib2-devel gcc \
    cobbler koan deltarpm pygtk pygtk2-libglade gnome-python2-gconf \
    system-config-kickstart jigdo python-virtinst git sudo \
    spin-kickstarts mock

$ mock -v -r fedora-11-i386 shell

mock> git clone git://git.fedorahosted.org/revisor
mock> cd /revisor
mock> ./switchhere --yes
mock> autoreconf && ./configure
mock> rm -rf /var/lib/rpm/__db.00*
mock> ./revisor.py --cli [options]

Everything appears fine until the last step, but then I get  :
mock-chroot> ./revisor.py --cli
No module named imgcreate. If you are running from source you need to autoreconf -v && ./configure before running ./revisor.py

This doesn't make sense because I just ran the command 'autoreconf && ./configure' prior to executing ./revisor.py.

Can some one tell what I'm doing wrong or am I completely hosed?
