If an error occurred while adding one of the nodes and the replication_factor failed to get updated, then running repair won’t help. You need to log into the storage node cluster using cqlsh to check the replication_factor with the following command,

describe keyspace rhq;

It should set to 2.
On Jan 25, 2015, at 7:13 PM, TMyers@wellsfargo.com wrote:

I am running a 3 node RHQ cluster. The storage nodes seem to be working properly as they are all up and have successfulhandshake messages between them However, when the RHQ server comes up I am getting this Warning On RHQ version V4.11.
WARN [org.rhq.enterprise.server.storage.StorageClientManager] (EJB default - 2) Storage client subsystem wasn‘t initialized. The RHQ server will be set to MAINTENANCE mode. Please verify that the storage cluster is operational.: java.lang.RuntimeException: Authentication error on host xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxx.com/xxx.xxx.xxx.xx: Username and/or passwordare incorrect
I have run the ./nodetool -p 7299 repair system_auth command on all 3 servers with all nodes running however the issue persists and the warning is logged on all 3 servers Is there something else that can be done to synchronize the servers with the storage nodes?
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