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On January 20th, 2015, 7:53 p.m. UTC, Miloslav Trmac wrote:

What about rolekit use within anaconda? Wouldn’t it be cleaner to modify the installers not to start the servers, instead?

The planned approach for rolekit use "within" anaconda is actually to have anaconda generate a one-time systemd unit that will run rolectl in the first-boot environment. So in that case, it should work fine.

We can't modify the installers not to start the servers in any case, as some (like postgresql) must be running in order to complete their configuration (such as creating a database instance and granting a user ownership of it).

- Stephen

On January 20th, 2015, 1:19 p.m. UTC, Stephen Gallagher wrote:

Review request for RoleKit Mailing List, Miloslav Trmac, Stephen Gallagher, Simo Sorce, and Thomas Woerner.
By Stephen Gallagher.

Updated Jan. 20, 2015, 1:19 p.m.

Bugs: 31, 35
Repository: rolekit


Many server installers will automatically start their services as soon as installation is complete (such as FreeIPA). This means that the real state of the system will disagree with rolekit's view of it. To be sure that we are aligned, it makes the most sense to just ensure that all roles are deployed into the RUNNING state.


Deployed a domain controller and verified that after deployment, 'rolectl status domaincontroller/teeceetwo.sgallagh.rht' reported "running" and 'systemctl status' reported "active".


  • src/rolekit/server/ (7f960bf41206c2552996936839a100325382e3be)

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