is probably reason for the issues you have described. If checked the log output correctly, you would see following output:
As Vít has pointed out to me, I have done the tests while I did not comment out the macros properly, which led to invalid results. Sorry for misleading info.
I have used your original code while getting that error. The results should be completely same- I have done some tests and I haven't found any results which differ.
Especially the single quotes do not cause any problems AFAIK.
+ echo ' name = %q<fog-dynect> version = ~' /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.4CWGoP: line 71: 10.0 spec = Gem::Specification.load(%q<./usr/share/gems/specifications/fog-1.38.0.gemspec>) dep = spec.dependencies.detect { |d| d.type == :runtime && d.name == name } if dep dep.requirement.concat version else spec.add_runtime_dependency name, version end File.write %q<./usr/share/gems/specifications/fog-1.38.0.gemspec>, spec.to_ruby : No such file or directory + ruby
The correct usage for this would be:
%gemspec_add_dep -n fog-dynect "~> 10.0"
IOW please note the single vs double quotes ...
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