Dne 15.9.2016 v 10:06 Vít Ondruch napsal(a):
BTW this is first draft of the macros. I am going to try second implementation, which will probably need to use a bit different syntax for macro calls, but it might replace the 3 lines usage example above with 2 lines version:
%gemspec_remove_runtime_dependency -n fog-dynect %gemspec_add_runtime_dependency -n fog-dynect ['~> 10.0', '>= 10.1']
As I promised, this is implementation with the '-n' parameter:
``` %define gemspec_add_runtime_dependency(n:) \ read -d '' add_runtime_dependency_script << 'EOR' || : \ name = '%{-n*}' \ version = %{*} \ spec = Gem::Specification.load('.%{gem_spec}') \ dep = spec.dependencies.detect { |d| d.type == :runtime && d.name == name } \ if dep \ dep.requirement.concat version \ else \ spec.add_runtime_dependency name, version \ end \ File.write '.%{gem_spec}', spec.to_ruby \ EOR\ echo "$add_runtime_dependency_script" | ruby \ %{nil}
It is a bit more flexible, since what is following behind the name of the dependency is pasted directly into Ruby code, so either ```['~> 10.0', '>= 10.1']``` or '~> 10.0' are viable options. IOW, it must be valid ruby code, otherwise the script bails out with error. E.g. for
``` %gemspec_add_runtime_dependency -n fog-dynect ~> 10.0 ```
the following error is reported:
``` + read -d '' add_runtime_dependency_script + : + echo 'name = '''fog-dynect''' version = ~> 10.0 spec = Gem::Specification.load('''./usr/share/gems/specifications/fog-1.38.0.gemspec''')
dep = spec.dependencies.detect { |d| d.type == :runtime && d.name == name } if dep dep.requirement.concat version else spec.add_runtime_dependency name, version end File.write '''./usr/share/gems/specifications/fog-1.38.0.gemspec''', spec.to_ruby' + ruby -:2: syntax error, unexpected '>' version = ~> 10.0 ^ ```