On 06/18/2010 12:44 PM, Mohammed Morsi wrote:
Hey Mamoru,
Appreciate the efforts. I am also working towards Ruby 1.8.7 on Fedora, just released a SRPM/SPEC a few days ago that I was working on
Also FYI, I spent some time going through the Ruby patches, removing anything unneeded, and consolidating stuff into simpler to understand patches. I may have inadvertently removed a couple things we want to keep (such as pulling the upstream ruby-tcltk branch for that package and the ruby-emacs stuff) but those can be easily readded.
I also tried to bring the ruby path macros in line w/ how we were talking about doing it in Ruby 1.9.1, to hopefully make that eventual migration easier.
%{!?ruby_vendorlib: %global ruby_vendorlib %{_prefix}/lib/ruby/} %{!?ruby_vendorarch: %global ruby_vendorarch %{_libdir}/ruby/} %{!?ruby_sitelib: %global ruby_sitelib %{ruby_vendorlib}/site_ruby} %{!?ruby_sitearch: %global ruby_sitearch %{ruby_vendorarch}/site_ruby}