I like it, and would agree that the rustc version is what I actually care about.

I view all of the subcomponents as part of one logical SDK, and certainly stopped caring about individual version numbers for those tools after they started working on stable.

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 1:37 PM Josh Stone <jistone@redhat.com> wrote:
On 1/10/19 2:16 PM, Josh Stone wrote:
> In rust.spec, we include a few tools that are closely tied to the
> compiler, each presented with independent versions in their rpm.
>> # Some sub-packages are versioned independently of the rust compiler and runtime itself.
>> # Also beware that if any of these are not changed in a version bump, then the release
>> # number should still increase, not be reset to 1!
>> %global rustc_version 1.31.1
>> %global cargo_version 1.31.0
>> %global rustfmt_version 1.0.0
>> %global rls_version 1.31.7
>> %global clippy_version 0.0.212
> Do folks find that kind of granularity useful?
> I suspect that most people really only care about the primary Rust
> version. If you're using "rustup" to get the upstream binaries, the
> available toolchain versions use the Rust version, and each tool is just
> a component therein. You won't see their specific version at all unless
> you run them with "--version".
> Those tool versions have problems for packaging too. In the current beta
> for 1.32, rustfmt and clippy haven't changed, which is why I have that
> cautionary note about the release number. Worse, the beta's rls is at
> 1.31.6 -- seemingly backwards due to a weird way some fixes were applied
> for Rust 1.31.1. (It's not actually a regression though.)
> So, would anyone mind if I unified the rpm version with just the Rust
> version for everything? That would put us at 1.32.0-1 in the next
> release, which should be fine as an upgraded NVR all around. The tools
> will still report whatever they want for "--version", of course.

Release day is tomorrow -- last chance for objections...
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Tony Arcieri