I’m having a senior moment. I have a program, one of the things it does is call gettimeofday(), I compiled with –fPIC then I put into a shared library which I built using gcc –shared. When a program that is linked against this shared library runs and invokes the program in question it craps out calling gettimeofday() branching somewhere unexpected (i.e. Not within libc.so which is what I would have expected).

I’ve verified that the code generated is correct:

       lgr     %r1,%r11
        aghi    %r1,168
        lgr     %r2,%r1
        lghi    %r3,0
        brasl   %r14,gettimeofday@PLT
        lg      %r1,168(%r11)

Used readelf on the objet to see what it thinks about that symbol:

00000000012a  062900000013 R_390_PC32DBL     0000000000000000 gettimeofday + 2
000000003736  062900000013 R_390_PC32DBL     0000000000000000 gettimeofday + 2
  1577: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND gettimeofday

Used it again on the shared library:

00000000c572  005c00000013 R_390_PC32DBL     0000000000000000 gettimeofday + 2
00000000fb7e  005c00000013 R_390_PC32DBL     0000000000000000 gettimeofday + 2
    92: 0000000000000000     0 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND gettimeofday@GLIBC_2.2 (2)
   442: 0000000000000000     0 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND gettimeofday@@GLIBC_2.2

With -fPIC it should be R_390_PLT32DBL in the .o and there has to be a R_390_JMP_SLOT relocation in the .so. The R_390_PC32DBL is not sufficient to reach the symbol. (Got that tidbit from IBM but should’ve realized that myself.)

All I can think of is that I created the shared library incorrectly:

gcc –g –fPIC –o lineUtil.o lineUtil.c
gcc –shared –o libxxx.so lineUtil.o ...

So it appears something in binutils is in error. The version installed on my Fedora 15 system is
