Hi folks.
Just a quick heads up, i've updated the hercules image for Fedora 11 the last few days and uploaded it yesterday.
I've done the following changes:
- Update to latest and greatest packages (newest kernel etc) - Dropped all the mkinitrd hacks, works without them now! - Added development-libs and development-tools to the installation - Minor fixes and changes to the hercules.cnf file - Updated documentation - Switched the image from a compressed dasd to an uncompressed one
The last point affects performance drastically as the limiting factor was mainly the CPU, and compressing and uncompressing each and every block every time it's read or written to a DASD really ate a lot of that away. Bootup is now noticeably faster as is compiling or any other disk related work. The side effect of this all though is that you will now need around 9GB disk space available for the uncompressed DASD image. Fortunately compressed it's only 640MB at the moment, so marginally bigger than the old one.
As usual the docu, config files and images can be found here:
Have fun!
Thanks & regards, Phil