Hi, all

I hava read the source code of sanlock some days. But I have a question, it is that why scsi command was not used in the 'diskio.c'? The scsi command can catch much more exception the io.

Could someone help me?


/* write aligned io buffer */

int write_iobuf(int fd, uint64_t offset, char *iobuf, int iobuf_len,
        struct task *task, int ioto)
    if (task && task->use_aio == 1)
        return do_write_aio_linux(fd, offset, iobuf, iobuf_len, task, ioto);
    else if (task && task->use_aio == 2)
        return do_write_aio_posix(fd, offset, iobuf, iobuf_len, task, ioto);
        return do_write(fd, offset, iobuf, iobuf_len, task);