Hi List,
After many hours playing with SSG and OpenSCAP and not able to do what
I want I need some help.
Forgive me if I use SCAP or OpenSCAP terms incorrectly, I am new to
SSG and I am still getting familiar.
The following OVAL test searches for system accounts (UID < 500) in
/etc/at.allow (I am showing just the relevant parts of
RHEL/5/input/oval/at_system_accounts.xml to explain my problem):
<criterion test_ref="test_at_system_accounts_at_allow" />
<unix:password_test check="all" check_existence="none_exist"
comment="Testing system accounts in /etc/at.allow"
id="test_at_system_accounts_at_allow" version="1">
<unix:object object_ref="object_at_system_accounts_at_allow" />
<unix:password_object id="object_at_system_accounts_at_allow" version="1">
<unix:username operation="equals"
var_ref="var_at_system_accounts_allow_list" var_check="at least one"
datatype="string" />
<filter action="include">state_at_system_accounts_at_allow_uid</filter>
<local_variable id="var_at_system_accounts_allow_list"
comment="Accounts Allowed" datatype="string" version="1">
<object_component item_field="subexpression"
object_ref="object_at_system_accounts_allow_list" />
<ind:textfilecontent54_object comment="/etc/at.allow"
id="object_at_system_accounts_allow_list" version="1">
<ind:pattern operation="pattern match">^(.*)$</ind:pattern>
<ind:instance operation="greater than or equal"
<unix:password_state id="state_at_system_accounts_at_allow_uid" version="1">
<unix:user_id datatype="int" operation="less than">500</unix:user_id>
The test above gets the users information from the sources specified
in NSS (/etc/nsswitch.conf) which is correct, however I want to create
a version that uses /etc/passwd directly. Why? We have many
(thousands?) of RHEL 5 based servers with LDAP integration, and many
(thousands?) of accounts in the LDAP servers.
Simple tests like RHEL/5/input/oval/at_system_accounts.xml and
RHEL/5/input/oval/cron_system_accounts.xml can take hours to run
because they retrieve *all* users information from the LDAP servers
and they do it *for each entry* in /etc/at.allow and /etc/cron.allow.
Also, if we run OpenSCAP (oscap) at the same time in a few servers
they hit the LDAP servers really bad.
I have been trying to replace password_test and password_object by
textfilecontent54_test and textfilecontent54_object without any luck.
If you want, I can share my at_system_accounts.xml file that I thought
it was going to work.
I would really appreciate any help or hint?
Rodolfo Martínez