
Currently for references (STIGID, NIST, CUI, etc.) in our yaml content, we use a form of shortening
the reference for STIGID and CCI e.g.

For CCI, we do something like the following:

disa: 2165,2696

For STIGID, we do something like the following:

stigid: "020210"

This is was nice in the day that we only had just RHEL content, but now, we have Oracle, SuSE, Ubuntu, and the framework for macOS. Also, it would be nice to keep the build system agnostic
of different reference identifiers formats for different platforms. Many users just copy/paste the
references or use script changes in some way. Other repos use the full notation. As the STIGID
and CCI are the only 2 references we short form, I am thinking that we should remove this short
form notation and replace with the full notation to make it easier to script and copy/paste changes
in addition to making it an easier experience for users coming from different repositories. 

What do you think? Keep the same form? Use the full notation?

Thanks for your time,
