Look into SCAP Workbench to help build a custom security profile for your application.






From: Fen Labalme [mailto:fen.labalme@civicactions.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 1, 2018 10:00 PM
To: SCAP Security Guide <scap-security-guide@lists.fedorahosted.org>
Subject: Disabling specific bash remediations


The goal is to create a hardened EC2 server on AWS from scratch. After provisioning a new RHEL/7 instance on AWS, we run `yum -y update` followed by the bash remediations from SSG using:


  command: 'oscap xccdf eval --profile {{ scapprofile }} --remediate \

    --results-arf /tmp/results-arf.xml --report /tmp/report.html \



But there are some remediations I don't want to run for an EC2 server such as install_smartcard_packages.sh and dracut-fips. Is there a way to prevent certain remediations from running?






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