Hi everyone,
I'm currently checking if it is possible to strip down everything unneeded from a generated XCCDF, OVAL or DS file or to include just the needed rules and OVAL definitions for a certain profile during generation.
For example:
When I generate the rhel7/sle12 output after running the cmake script, all profiles are included inside the XCCDF and DS files.
Furthermore all OVAL definitions get included even if they are not part of any listed profile. I understand that this are two pair shoes. I'm just curious if there is a way to limit the OVAL output only to those definitions that are actually needed for the defined profiles.
So, is it possible to limit the output generation to a single profile and to limit the OVAL output as well?
This is interesting especially for the DS output where I want to have a small file with all needed tests and definitions for just one profile.
Any hint or direction is appreciated. ;)
Regards, Alex~