Hi, I have stripped the pull requests and related commits and push forced to a state that is merge-able with a fast-forward type merge. I have synced the repos. Trying out pull requests is fine but will create a mess, especially if we strip them like this. The github repo now has a pull request that says it was merged but isn't actually in the repo.
Any news related to moving to a better development model than sending patches around on mailing lists like cavemen? ;-D
Is the issue that fedora hosted cannot accept update/pull requests from github?
Would the following workflow be viable,
Fedorahosted is upstream master repo for SSG.
GitHub has a downstream SSG repo that always follows upstream at fedora hosted and is essentially read-only.
GitHub has a second downstream SSG repo called SSGdev.
We could do pull requests on SSGdev and yourself, Shawn an Jan can pull from SSGdev to upstream Fedorahosted (maybe through traditional process).
I am probably missing something not having the full perspective.
Greg Elin P: 917-304-3488 E: gregelin@gitmachines.com
Sent from my iPhone
On Jun 20, 2014, at 9:30 AM, Martin Preisler mpreisle@redhat.com wrote:
Hi, I have stripped the pull requests and related commits and push forced to a state that is merge-able with a fast-forward type merge. I have synced the repos. Trying out pull requests is fine but will create a mess, especially if we strip them like this. The github repo now has a pull request that says it was merged but isn't actually in the repo.
Any news related to moving to a better development model than sending patches around on mailing lists like cavemen? ;-D
-- Martin Preisler
----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg Elin" gregelin@gitmachines.com To: "Martin Preisler" mpreisle@redhat.com Cc: "SCAP Security Guide" scap-security-guide@lists.fedorahosted.org, "Shawn Wells" swells@redhat.com, "Simon Lukasik" slukasik@redhat.com Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 4:43:25 PM Subject: Re: github mirror fixed
Is the issue that fedora hosted cannot accept update/pull requests from github?
The github mirror is supposed to be a read-only repo. We mirror one way, from fedorahosted to github. If something appears in the github repo that is not in the fedorahosted repo, that creates conflicts. There is no established process where commits in github mirror repo get to the fedorahosted repo.
Long story short - no, fedorahosted can't accept github pull requests.
Would the following workflow be viable,
Fedorahosted is upstream master repo for SSG.
GitHub has a downstream SSG repo that always follows upstream at fedora hosted and is essentially read-only.
GitHub has a second downstream SSG repo called SSGdev.
We could do pull requests on SSGdev and yourself, Shawn an Jan can pull from SSGdev to upstream Fedorahosted (maybe through traditional process).
Yes, this is possible but I am not the one to decide that :-) Personally I'd prefer to move the repos that I work on to github because it's more convenient for me. IMO pull requests > mailing list patches.
On 6/20/14, 11:01 AM, Martin Preisler wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg Elin"gregelin@gitmachines.com To: "Martin Preisler"mpreisle@redhat.com Cc: "SCAP Security Guide"scap-security-guide@lists.fedorahosted.org, "Shawn Wells"swells@redhat.com, "Simon Lukasik"slukasik@redhat.com Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 4:43:25 PM Subject: Re: github mirror fixed
Is the issue that fedora hosted cannot accept update/pull requests from github?
The github mirror is supposed to be a read-only repo. We mirror one way, from fedorahosted to github. If something appears in the github repo that is not in the fedorahosted repo, that creates conflicts. There is no established process where commits in github mirror repo get to the fedorahosted repo.
Long story short - no, fedorahosted can't accept github pull requests.
Would the following workflow be viable,
Fedorahosted is upstream master repo for SSG.
GitHub has a downstream SSG repo that always follows upstream at fedora hosted and is essentially read-only.
GitHub has a second downstream SSG repo called SSGdev.
We could do pull requests on SSGdev and yourself, Shawn an Jan can pull from SSGdev to upstream Fedorahosted (maybe through traditional process).
Yes, this is possible but I am not the one to decide that:-) Personally I'd prefer to move the repos that I work on to github because it's more convenient for me. IMO pull requests > mailing list patches.
End goal is to move SSG fully to GitHub.
I need to fall on my own sword on this... between the recent RHEL7 launch, various meetings on STIG + other policies, and some much needed PTO, this moved a bit lower in my queue.