I am looking to determine if there is a community project similar to OpenSCAP/SSG that applies to Oracle RDBMS STIG compliance? I have done some R&D on SSG for the Linux OS and have presented it internally at our Developer's conference with some positive feedback. Outside of the Linux OS, the next big tier is Oracle RDBMS.
Thanks Robert
Robert Hayden | Sr. Technology Architect | Cerner Corporation | 816.201.4068 | rhayden@cerner.commailto:rhayden@cerner.com | www.cerner.com
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On 6/24/14, 4:21 PM, Hayden,Robert wrote:
I am looking to determine if there is a community project similar to OpenSCAP/SSG that applies to Oracle RDBMS STIG compliance? I have done some R&D on SSG for the Linux OS and have presented it internally at our Developer's conference with some positive feedback. Outside of the Linux OS, the next big tier is Oracle RDBMS.
Not that I'm aware of. Happy to refer you (off-list) to some Oracle employees who deal with STIG implementations. I've no idea what their STIG plans are.