is it possible to have in next spin labs the last Fgortran with the COARRAY Library installed with MPICH : it is very useful for scientific parallelism programming, more easy than with open MP ?
I am not specialist of linux and don't know how install it.
Bests reagrds
On 11/07/2016 11:26 AM, poubelle83@laposte.net wrote:
is it possible to have in next spin labs the last Fgortran with the COARRAY Library installed with MPICH : it is very useful for scientific parallelism programming, more easy than with open MP ?
I am not specialist of linux and don't know how install it.
Bests reagrds
I've started work on packaging OpenCoarrays. I've run into a couple issues and am working through them with upstream. Hopefully won't take too long to sort them out.