I had tried the following, but it still complains about the missing kerberos_read_home_content call.


> Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2014 08:57:27 +0100
> From: mgrepl@redhat.com
> To: selinux@lists.fedoraproject.org
> CC: swazup@hotmail.com
> Subject: Re: Is there a way to use newer SELinux interface calls, but still compile on machines that don't have them.
> On 03/05/2014 10:35 PM, Jayson Hurst wrote:
> > I want to use the kerberos_read_home_content interface method, but it
> > seems to be a newer method that doesn't exist on RHEL 6.0, but it does
> > on RHEL 6.5. Is there a way to build a single policy that will take
> > advantage of this call if its there, but not fail to compile/install
> > if it is not?
> Yes,
> you want to use "optional_policy" block .
> http://mgrepl.wordpress.com/2012/03/23/when-should-you-use-the-optional_policy-block-statement/