The messages below were on the fedora-test-list and I was wondering if someone on this list would be interested in them? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------
I have tracked this down further and discovered that it is the SE Linux stuff that is messing up pump. I have found a newer version of pump now and I'm going to try it. However, I have to say that the way it fails is not intuitive to me. When pump (dhcp client) sends out the discover packet (with a SE Linux enabled kernel), the packet actually goes out, it just fails because the UDP checksum is bad. This is not what I would expect out of SE Linux. I would have thought that it would have returned some no-priviledge error to the program (pump) indicating that it failed. Instead to just send out a broken packet seems pretty weird. -Scott
-----Original Message----- From: [] mailto:[] On Behalf Of Edwards, Scott (MED, Kelly IT Resouces) Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 1:12 PM To: '' Subject: Pump on FC2T1?
I have been trying to use pump (dhcp client) on FC2T1 and can't seem to get it to work. I have tried it on FC1 and FC1 with a 2.6 Kernel and it seems to work fine on them. When I'm running pump on FC2T1 I get several messages from the dhcpd server that "5 bad udp checksums in 5 packets". I am going to keep digging into it, but I wanted to ask if there is something that is a known problem that I'm unaware of? Any pointers would be welcome. Thanks * Scott