The following proposal comes out of the discussion at this weeks Server SIG
Fedora Server will have:
* / (root) will be a minimum of 2 GiB and a maximum of 15 GiB
* SWAP will continue to be calculated automatically based on available RAM on
the system
* All unused space will be assigned to a volume group and available to be
assigned to new partitions or extend existing partitions.
* Anaconda will continue to handle the appropriate EFI and /boot settings
We also discussed during the meeting whether we should have a separate /var
partition by default, but the general sense was that we might be better served
by developing a mechanism to allow partitions to be split from existing mount
points, which would be more flexible going forward.
As we did not have quorum in the meeting by the point we got to this proposal,
I'm taking it to the list for discussion and votes.
For the record, the current behavior of the partitioning scheme is for / to be
given up to 50 GiB of space and then any remaining space after that is assigned
to a separate /home partition.
Folks, as discussed on our last meeting I put a first draft on
It’s a first draft and not complete yet, of course.
When logged in to you can comment and edit the text.
Let’s discuss it on our next meeting.
And of course, any comment here on our mailing list is welcome!
Peter Boy
Timezone: CET (UTC+1) / CEST /UTC+2)
Fedora Server Edition Working Group member
Fedora Docs team contributor and board member
Java developer and enthusiast
We decided for „Fedora Server in a virtualized runtime environment“ as our second priority work project. As a first step I consider to send a mail to user list and to "Ask Fedora“ and probably discussion #server-wg to collect experiences with this.
Maybe, a mail like:
> - - - - - - - - - - - <
Subj.: Who has experience with Fedora as VPS at a hosting provider?
Text Body:
The Server WG is looking for users who run or have run Fedora, especially Fedora Server, as a virtual private server (VPS/VDS) with hosting providers such as Contabo, netcup VPS, or AWS (Lightsail) and others. We are interested in providing/accepting custom images for installation as well as Fedora offerings by the host provider (Completeness, up-to-dateness).
Would you share with us your experiences? How can we make it easier? What were / are you missing in Fedora?
Please, reply to this mail or share your knowledge in the server-wg channel
> - - - - - - - - - - - <
Any ideas? Comments? Better ideas? Better wording? Objections?
What are the best locations to send such a message to?
Peter Boy
Timezone: CET (UTC+1) / CEST /UTC+2)
Fedora Server Edition Working Group member
Fedora Docs team contributor and board member
Java developer and enthusiast
Just as a reminder: Our last meeting was 2 weeks ago. Nevertheless, our next meeting is the 1st Wednesday in June, which is June 7, 2023. 17:00 UTC. We have a 3 week gap again this time.
I’ll send the agenda around, soon.
Peter Boy
Timezone: CET (UTC+1) / CEST /UTC+2)
Fedora Server Edition Working Group member
Fedora Docs team contributor and board member
Java developer and enthusiast
Cockpit offers a new module, the Cockpit Navigator, a file system browser. This offers especially for new server users a comfortable, graphical way to explore the server and eases the getting started with the server. Including it in the standard installation makes the server more attractive for new users.
Cockpit is configured in, group headless-management. Group headless-management is used by fedora-disk-server.ks and fedora-server-vm-full.ks only. I didn't find it in any other Kickstart file. So no other installation media is affected by a change.
We have to add a line:
<packagereq type="default">cockpit-navigator</packagereq>
to the headless-management group.
I think, we just have to create a PR accordningly. A change request should not be required for this.
I have created ticket #111 (
Unfortunately our IRC meeting last Wednesday had to be cancelled. I think the change is a simple matter and not controversial. Therefore, if no one raises concerns, I will initiate the process on Monday, May 29.
Nevertheless, it would be helpful if everyone adds a vote to the ticket to make the intent of the Working Group completely clear!
Peter Boy
Timezone: CET (UTC+1) / CEST /UTC+2)
Fedora Server Edition Working Group member
Fedora Docs team contributor and board member
Java developer and enthusiast
On our May 03 meeting we decided:
"WG will pursue ... for F39 ... 'Fedora Server Edition in virtualized environments' with 2nd priority."
I wrote a proposal of a project description:
So far, both documentation as well as installation media are very much focused on running a Fedora server on hardware or as a virtualized guest of a Fedora host on hardware. In both cases, the system administrator has the most extensive configuration options.
In view of the enormous increases in hardware performance, an individual server project is often no longer able to exploit this performance. A market has developed where professionalized service providers offer a virtualized runtime environment for individual servers, known as "virtual private server" (VPS) or "virtual dedicated server" (VDS). In this case, the setup options of an administrator are significantly more limited. For example, the installation must follow the provider's specifications and organizational requirements.
The =goal= is
(a) to facilitate and simplify the operation of a Fedora server in such a runtime environment by providing special documentation and
(b) also provide customized installation media, if useful.
Discussion of our first priority project via is not so successful, so far. Maybe it’s easier using the Mailing List.
As a =next step= I suggest to post on the user mailing list and on discussion and ask for experiences running Fedora Server in a (commercial) VPS / VDS.
It would be really helpful if we could reach agreement on the project plan as well as the next step in the next few days. The dead line for a change proposal (if we want to offer a customized installation medium) is July 18, 2023. That's still a little way off, but not too long either.
Peter Boy
Timezone: CET (UTC+1) / CEST /UTC+2)
Fedora Server Edition Working Group member
Fedora Docs team contributor and board member
Java developer and enthusiast
Again, for everyone's convenience, a brief summary of our IRC meeting right here.
For greater details see meetbot
== Summary: ==…
== Full log: ==…
== Essentials ==
We agreed: WG will pursue 'Fedora Server Edition on SBC' as first priority for F39, and 'Fedora Server Edition in virtualized environments' as 2nd priority.
ACTION: pboy will post a first draft regarding 'Fedora Server Edition on SBCs' on for further discussion.
The same priority list applies to the action "Each Edition has a story for each release" regarding F39.
== Next Action ==
We need a catchy (marketable) wording for the project titles 'Fedora Server Edition on SBC' and 'Fedora Server Edition in virtualized environments'.
Native english speakers: You are in demand!