
I'll cut to the chase. I am doing research on opensource small business server adaptation for my University. I am using Ubuntu as of now with software stack to have a SB infrastructure. However I recently heard that Fedora was releasing there Alpha for Fedora Server. I have already tested it out for myself. Is there anyway that I can somehow work with you all to maybe have a server role for Small Businesses? Below is what I'm using for the server.

Lightweight DE: LXDE or Xfce
Bitnami applications (DB, ownCloud, openERP, Round Cube, DNS etc.)
CUPS for print server
Ajenti for a control panel.(Was using this but since F21 is going to use Cockpit then I maybe will switch to that)

1 or 2 concept software control panels that are in the works right now. (TBD)

I have already read into your Persona's or "Target Market"(and other documents on the Wiki) and it seems to target people with experience in Linux / Networking stuff like that. So I know my request a little bit out of your scope, but I figured I'd ask to see if I could get this server role into the Alpha, Beta, or Full release. 

Sorry about the long post. 
