Hello Fedora Server people,

I've recently joined the mailing list and wanted to introduce myself.

I've degrees in software engineering and business with post graduate in spatial science. Spent about 10 years in local government working in all aspects of IT from helpdesk through to server builds and software packaging.  Currently working in an asset management / spatial analyst role working with Autodesk, ESRI and ms sql and Oracle spatial dbs.

Still do a bit of software development but mainly android mobile apps for data collection.

I have been using Linux for the last decade at home for my workstation for everyday computing and development and on the home server for file, streaming media and, um, err minecraft server, for the kids of course.

Outside of IT when not taxi-ing kids to sport, social activities etc I spend my time playing soccer and surfing and my wife and I are renovating our home.

I am not sure how to begin and help out but I hope to be involved where ever there is a need so please let me know how I can assist.


Paul Calvino