Today there was an IRC discussion about the next tasks Fedora Server WG has to work on. I would like to give here a short overview in the hope that many may contribute their ideas here. The wording is unimportant, short sketches of ideas are sufficient. A editorial group has been established to edit a proposal for a revised draft. But we need input from the server community!
Our current PRD is here: , general considerations on the structure of such a document are here:
The current PRD is from 2014. Urgently needs to be revised along the following general objectives:
- We want the target audience and server edition goals to keep up to date as the computing world changes - But there are also big changes in how servers are used and deployed. Fedora should be at the forefront.
This leads to at least 4 questions: - What are the high level goals? - What is our *market*? - how server relate to curent developments, coreos cloud, etc.? - merging in the Cloud Base image so it's basically just an alternate deploy of server?
Please, contribute your ideas!
Some detailed opinions were thrown in:
- Server should forcus on mostly headless services - single node deployments, and multi node deployments
- A goal might also be pushing for text-only mechanisms for all relevant administrative functions (cf. the gpg-agent discussion)
- focus on soho rather than enterprise at this point.
- strong container support in "my basement" and in "soho".. including things like openshift
- are server roles still a thing? (The Server Roles in PRD were abandoned?)
- are tools/app included supporting industry change (e.g. IPMI is deprecated, Redfish is the future)
Any inout greatly appreciated.
Peter (One of those to draft an updated proposal)