On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 02:21:05PM -0700, Adam Williamson wrote:
I'm happy to help draft revisions to the PRD, but I don't think it's a job for a single person to do, honestly, because it's not just a case of writing down something we already know and agree on, is it? It seems clear that "Server roles" as currently defined/implemented are going away, but it's not clear - at least to me - what we actually want to replace them with. I'm happy to work on the text that describes the plan, but I'd like to know what the plan *is* first, and be clear that we all agree on it.
Yeah, I agree with Adam pretty much entirely here. If we're going to keep Server as an Edition — and I think we need to, for all the reasons we asked for it in the first place — it needs a PRD. I'm also happy to help refresh that. Maybe this is a Flock session?