On 08/10/2016 01:04 PM, Stephen Gallagher wrote:

The reasons for working with Ansible are compelling:

 * Many people are already using it and have tools and processes in place for it.
 * We have access to expertise to enhance and tweak it to our needs (with the
Red Hat acquisition of Ansible, they are now part of the Fedora community)
 * There already exists a community of playbook writers that can help us get up
to speed (Ansible Galaxy)

With this in mind, it really feels like the best way forward *right now*.

It's not the best way forward for home,hobby administrator since it serves little to no purpose for them to be running their own CM tool at home nor does this serve the corporate administrators since they need a compelling business case for their superior to be able to a) deploy and run Fedora in whatever form in the corporate infrastructure and b) make changes to the company infrastructure and start using (new) CM tool for deployment ( which brings in it's own complexity & learning curve and associated training cost for staff ) so what you probably mean to say is this:
"This will *always*  only benefit Red Hat for early adoption and testing on Ansible as well as those that are already running Ansible as their cm tool in their infrastructure ( as opposed to puppet or chef )."

At this point in time the people behind the idea of products and implementation of WG's at Red Hat need to face the fact that how they approached it, created the governance structure surrounding the WG's and implemented it in the distribution have failed miserably in doing so and that effort has been a sink hole of contributed time. The distribution would have been better of if this had been implemented as I proposed here when I served on the WG's ( at least even if this would have been failure as a result of that proposal, the distribution would have been more prepared for agile changes since that approach allowed for much more drastic cleanups and changes without affecting end users ).

If the intent is going to be heading down this path, this time and if this is truly going to be effort worthwhile for Fedora community members to participate in not yet another Red Hat effort in shoving it's products down community members throats for early adoption and testing of those products ( which now would be dubbed take the Ansible pill ), then you will need to approach this effort with the intent of gaining as much participation as possible and that requires providing the same solution,integration or "server recipe" in all three cm tools out there, Ansible Books, Chief recipes and Puppet manifests however be advised there exist already upstream community surrounding solutions as well as "sharing" books,manifests and recipes so in the long run you would just be setting up the ( server ) community to be competing with those with a high probability that the ( server ) community would lose that battle. 

Here's a simple question why should administrators be partaking in this effort here and contributing their free or paid time vs spending that time contributing in the associating upstream communities like Ansible Galaxy in which the social networking amongst like minded people and expertise reside? What will they gain from that?