Proposal: Continuation of the ongoing discussion on PRD Update and New Documentation.
PRD Update 1.5 round of discussion
1. PRD Update Section 3: Fedora Server Mission - Proposal: Change the ordering, first user, second developer - Comment 1: Wording about developers sounds like testing distribution - Comment 2: (about users) Odd wording „provision of digital service“ and „available at short notice“ - ‚Wanted‘: Native speaker, who is willing to revise the wording
2. PRD Update Section 4: Market Opportunity - First paragraph - Comment 1: Wording - Comment 2: Wording, too long sentence
- Second paragraph: - Comment: Wording, unclear which improvement
- Third paragraph: - Comment: mostly redundant, not enough additional information, probably scrap?
- Needed: Who is willing to revise the wording (native speaker)?
3. PRD Update Section 6: Server Edition Objectives & 6.1 Additional Obj. - No comments yet
- Decide about - Arguments OK? - Arguments missing? - Wording
- Proposal: 6 and 6.1 combine into one item
- Needed: Native speaker willing to revise the wording?
New Documentation
4. New Documentation: menue items? - Something missing? / something superfluous? - Decision to make: Intended menu structure - Any ideas / comments to the existing drafts / collection of content ideas
5. New Documentation: how/when going online? - Decision proposal: going online / Publication with a minimal but self-sustaining partial content and subsequent gradual completion
- Decision: minimal content to start with: - Landing Page - Installation - Virtualization (Overview) - Add Virtualization Support - Container (Overview)
6. New Documentation: landing page proposal - Topics? - Arguments valid? - Native speaker to revise the wording?
7. Open Floor