==================================== #fedora-server: rolekit (2015-09-15) ====================================
Meeting started by sgallagh at 13:01:00 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-server/2015-09-15/rolekitweekly .2015-09-15-13.01.log.html .
Meeting summary --------------- * init process (sgallagh, 13:01:00)
* Fedora 23 Status (sgallagh, 13:02:19) * All issues targeted for Fedora 23 Beta were fixed. (sgallagh, 13:03:34) * Current issues targeted for Fedora 23 Final have patches under review on Review Board (sgallagh, 13:04:10) * LINK: http://reviewboard-fedoraserver.rhcloud.com/r/%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0(sgallagh, 13:04:29)
* Bug Triage (sgallagh, 13:13:25) * LINK: https://github.com/libre-server/rolekit/issues?q=is%3Aopen+no%3Amil estone+no%3Alabel (sgallagh, 13:13:40)
* https://github.com/libre-server/rolekit/issues/40 - Instance name should not contain "/" (sgallagh, 13:14:20) * AGREED: We will restrict instance names to [A-Za-z0-9._-] (sgallagh, 13:25:36) * AGREED: Scheduled for Fedora 23 Final (sgallagh, 13:28:12)
* https://github.com/libre-server/rolekit/issues/45 - Put instances in error state if it is transitional while roled starts (sgallagh, 13:28:29) * AGREED: F23 Final Blocker , assigned to sgallagh (sgallagh, 13:33:07)
* https://github.com/libre-server/rolekit/issues/46 - Use accessors for name and type in roles (sgallagh, 13:33:35) * Already fixed. Closing issue. (sgallagh, 13:40:34)
* https://github.com/libre-server/rolekit/issues/47 - `rolectl list instances` should color-code instances (sgallagh, 13:40:56) * AGREED: F24 Alpha, nice-to-have (sgallagh, 13:44:03)
* https://github.com/libre-server/rolekit/issues/48 - Use class name for RolekitErrors in the log (sgallagh, 13:44:25) * Already pushed upstream (sgallagh, 13:44:57)
* https://github.com/libre-server/rolekit/issues/49 - Create backup of settings in case of role deployment fails (sgallagh, 13:45:34) * Already pushed upstream (sgallagh, 13:45:36)
* https://github.com/libre-server/rolekit/issues/50 - Store last error in role instance settings (sgallagh, 13:46:17) * AGREED: F23 Final, nice-to-have (sgallagh, 13:54:50)
* Open Floor (sgallagh, 13:54:53)
Meeting ended at 13:58:48 UTC.
Action Items ------------
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * sgallagh (113) * twoerner (70) * nilsph (26) * zodbot (9) * alxgrtnstrngl (2)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot