Hi Matthew. Actually I just noticed that his comment section is closed on that blog post, so I'll follow up to you both here.
I think rawhide is a bit too "raw", and I think stable branches are too confining. Would it be feasible to have a package tool that allows a user to choose how each package version should be auto-updated: major or minor. I understand how auto upgrading from 1.0.1 to 2.0.1 can cause a lot of confusion, so I suppose packages should be defaulted to "minor" updates each time yum update is run. In other words, automatically updating from 1.0 to 1.x. Then again, I'm comfortable setting most of my packages (perhaps not libraries) to auto update "major", meaning version 1.x to 2.x. I see no reason why the choice couldn't be left to the end user. Maybe all that is needed is a bash script that runs yum update on a rawhide installation, and accepts major version updates if the package is set to allow "major" version updates. Would that make any sense?
I would like to help the Fedora team where I can. My second question here is, how would I help make rawhide less risky? Do I just send bug reports to the rawhide mailing list?