On Sun, Jul 19, 2015 at 21:16:27 +0200, Christian Dersch lupinix@mailbox.org wrote:
Hi all,
I need some help with the process. The Spin got approved @FESCo, tracker: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1242917
The spins process doesn't work that great. You'll need to put in more effort than you really should have to to make sure things progress.
Alpha is coming up soon and you want your spin building in the nightlies befor then.
Now: How do I have to go on? Right now I provide testable Fedora 22 based builds on my fedorapeople space, but how can I built F23 based test releases using Fedora infrastructure? And how will it find its way into Fedora?
You need to get added to the gitspin-kickstarts group to be able to do maintenance of your spin's kickstart file. (As a heads up, don't merge master and the latest branch, but rather do cherry-pick to do the same change in both branches.) There are only a few people that can add you to the group, and I'd suggest reaching out to Kevin Fenzi, as he is the most active of the people that can add you.
Once you have access you can get your spin kickstart file added to the repo. If that isn't happening very soon, you can also send the ks file to this and we can do the initial add for you to keep things moving.
I am not sure how to start getting the spin added to the f23 deliverables and the nightly composes. The former is releng territory, though I am not sure about the latter. So I recommend opening a releng ticket at https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ once your ks is in the spin-kickstarts repo.
In the past we have used a spins release page to sign off on testing. I recommend adding a row to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/23/Spins for the Astronomy Spin and then update it for alpha, beta and final when you have tested a TC or RC of your live image. I don't know if we will enforce use of this for this release, but even if we don't it's still a good idea to let people know your spin is getting some testing.
You should make a wiki page for the Astronomy spin as well. You can see some sample wiki pages for f22 spins at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Spins_Fedora_22 .