Thank you Kevin. I've read your blog post. I'll probably add a comment on that with a follow up.
On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 4:27 PM, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
On Sat, 11 Jan 2014 18:50:49 -0500 Gavin Engel wrote:
Hello Kevin, thank you for responding.
No problem, although I fear I don't have time to do a full reply here. ;)
Maybe "Rolling Release" means something different to me than everyone else. To me, it doesn't necessarily mean cutting edge packages, only that there is no OS version number (*like version 19, 20, etc*). So, my thought to make things as easy to maintain (*for spin maintainers*) as possible is to simply serve 6 month old packages as long as they haven't had a security update.
The problem with that is that no package is an island. If you build a package against a collection of other packages, it may well need those versions to function. So, if you update one package that in turn is used by another set you have to rebuild a lot of things and update them in one big mass.
Do that even make sense? I must be missing something here, as it seems too simplistic.
No, it will not work. You can't mix random piles of packages that were not built together up and have any hope of it working. ;)
Perhaps this will help, it's a blog post I made the last time rolling releases came up on the devel list. (you might also look at the archives for the devel list for around that time too.
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