On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 04:31:04PM +0100, Christoph Wickert wrote:
Am Mittwoch, den 27.01.2010, 17:01 +0200 schrieb Adrian:
The thing is that our users would feel in some way special when Fedora will care sufficiently that it will build a dedicated spin for them.
Understood. But I think Kevin's question still stands: What is the benefit compared to the other spins and choosing the RO locale there?
If there is anything that we can improve, we should improve it in all spins and not just a localized one that will target a limited user base.
I think Christoph is correct. I don't think there's much chance of the Fedora Project Board approving a localized spin for the reasons you guys have already stated. The BrOffice.org spin was created to allow distribution of Fedora while avoiding a specific trademark problem in that region.
Because the Live spins tend to provide all the l10n bits, there's not as much value in a spin that just happens to default to some other language. I think it would be more valuable to look at how we might better provide, and show the user at boot time how to get, a properly localized environment no matter where they live.
One other minor point -- if we're hearing any sort of consistent issues with producing a spin from a kickstart, such as being too hard, then that process probably needs to be better documented.