Check your junk mail folder. The confirmation email for joining the group may have gotten filtered out (or you might have mistyped your address)
I think I fat-fingured my confirm email. Mutt allows me to go through email too fast sometimes. I've been receiving a lot of spam lately that is getting through SA . . Sigh.
I was close: the problem is your group range, not the userid. Your group "users" is 100. You probably want to set min_id=100. This has the same problem as having users in groups much too low. It will conflict with system groups in /etc/group
Yup, that was it! Thanks!!
# ldap_user_uid_number = msSFU30UidNumber # ldap_user_gid_number = msSFU30GidNumber
Those are irrelevant to your current situation. That's where you can change the name of the attribute that is used to look up the UID number or GID number. The defaults are fine in your configuration.
Yes, realized that after I sent the email.
Thanks!! Got it working now.
On to configuring clamav, postfix, SA, dovecot, etc. Fun!