(Thu Aug 20 07:40:49:577840 2015) [sssd] [test_multidom_suite_cleanup] (0x0020): Could not delete the test config ldb file [20]: (Not a directory) (Thu Aug 20 07:40:49:577887 2015) [sssd] [test_multidom_suite_cleanup] (0x0020): Could not delete the test domain ldb file [20]: (Not a directory) (Thu Aug 20 07:40:49:577899 2015) [sssd] [test_multidom_suite_cleanup] (0x0020): Could not delete the test dir (20) (Not a directory) [==========] Running 1 test(s). [ RUN ] test_id_cleanup_exp_group (Thu Aug 20 07:40:49:578773 2015) [sssd] [ldb] (0x0020): Unable to open tdb 'test_ldap_id_cleanup/tests_conf.ldb': Not a directory (Thu Aug 20 07:40:49:578786 2015) [sssd] [ldb] (0x0020): Failed to connect to 'test_ldap_id_cleanup/tests_conf.ldb' with backend 'tdb': Unable to open tdb 'test_ldap_id_cleanup/tests_conf.ldb': Not a directory (Thu Aug 20 07:40:49:578791 2015) [sssd] [confdb_init] (0x0010): Unable to open config database [test_ldap_id_cleanup/tests_conf.ldb] Could not run the test - check test fixtures [ ERROR ] test_id_cleanup_exp_group [==========] 1 test(s) run. [ PASSED ] 0 test(s). FAIL test_ldap_id_cleanup (exit status: 1)