On Tue, Dec 01, 2020 at 07:21:15PM +0100, Alexey Tikhonov wrote:
according to the sssd.conf you do not have `ad_enable_gc` set so this should be `true` by default.
But in the log it contacts LDAP port: [sdap_print_server] (0x2000): Searching -- IIUC, GC port should be 3269... -- what port is used when everything is working as expected?
If I understand "Referral(10), 0000202B: RefErr: DSID-0310074A, data 0, 1 access points" correctly, this specific DC "doesn't know" this user and refers to other DCs, but referrals chasing is disabled for ad provider.
This doesn't explain what happens though... Perhaps clue can be found earlier in the logs.
On Tue, Dec 1, 2020 at 4:43 PM J. Adam Craig jacraig@vcu.edu wrote:
I am currently troubleshooting a very mysterious and difficult to tack down issue with SSSD running on RHEL/CentOS 7.x and 8.x (SSSD ver. 1.16.5 and 2.2.3). The EL 7.x and 8.x systems are attached to a Windows Active Directory domain using 'adcli'. We used this guide ( https://access.redhat.com/solutions/2653771), with some minor tweaks appropriate for our Active Directory environment and security requirements to set this up.
The vast majority of the time, the configuration works as expected. However, occasionally, we experience sporadic and temporary issues where users attempting to authenticate using valid Active Directory credentials (via SSH) are unable to login.
you might hit https://github.com/SSSD/sssd/issues/5351, the fix is currently not available in any released RHEL or CentOS version.
bye, Sumit
When the issue presents itself, if we leave an affected system alone and do nothing, the issue will eventually self-correct and users are able to authenticate as expected. We have also discovered that we can manually "fix" the issue by either (1) restarting SSSD with 'sudo systemctl restart sssd' or (2) by running a 'kdestroy'/'kinit' sequence as the 'root' user on the affected system like so:
# kdestroy -A ; kinit -k 'MYSERVER$@MYDOMAIN.EXAMPLE.COM'
At times when the issue is occurring, we observe the following messages in '/var/log/sssd/sssd_MYDOMAIN.example.com.log' (debug_level 9):
(2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [dp_get_account_info_handler] (0x0200): Got request for [0x1][BE_REQ_USER][name=someuser@mydomain.example.com] (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [dp_attach_req] (0x0400): DP Request [Account #6104]: New request. Flags [0x0001]. (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [dp_attach_req] (0x0400): Number of active DP request: 1 (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sss_domain_get_state] (0x1000): Domain MYDOMAIN.example.com is Active (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sss_domain_get_state] (0x1000): Domain MYDOMAIN.example.com is Active (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_id_op_connect_step] (0x4000): reusing cached connection (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_search_user_next_base] (0x0400): Searching for users with base [DC=MYDOMAIN,DC=example,DC=com] (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_print_server] (0x2000): Searching (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x0400): calling ldap_search_ext with [(&(sAMAccountName=someuser)(objectclass=user)(sAMAccountName=*)(objectSID=*))][DC=MYDOMAIN,DC=example,DC=com]. (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [objectClass] (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [sAMAccountName] (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [unixUserPassword] (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [uidNumber] (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [gidNumber] (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [gecos] (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [unixHomeDirectory] (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [loginShell] (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [userPrincipalName] (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [name] (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [memberOf] (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [objectGUID] (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [objectSID] (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [primaryGroupID] (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [whenChanged] (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [uSNChanged] (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [accountExpires] (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [userAccountControl] (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [userCertificate;binary] (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [mail] (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x2000): ldap_search_ext called, msgid = 26 (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_op_add] (0x2000): New operation 26 timeout 6 (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_process_result] (0x2000): Trace: sh[0x55ca2802d840], connected[1], ops[0x55ca28028ef0], ldap[0x55ca27fe0610] (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_process_message] (0x4000): Message type: [LDAP_RES_SEARCH_RESULT] (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_get_generic_op_finished] (0x0400): Search result: Referral(10), 0000202B: RefErr: DSID-0310074A, data 0, 1 access points ref 1: 'MYDOMAIN.example.com'
(2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_add_references] (0x1000): Additional References: ldap://MYDOMAIN.example.com/DC=MYDOMAIN,DC=example,DC=com (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_op_destructor] (0x2000): Operation 26 finished (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [generic_ext_search_handler] (0x4000): Request included referrals which were ignored. (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [generic_ext_search_handler] (0x4000): Ref: ldap:// MYDOMAIN.example.com/DC=MYDOMAIN,DC=example,DC=com (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_search_user_process] (0x0400): Search for users, returned 0 results. (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_search_user_process] (0x2000): Retrieved total 0 users (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_id_op_done] (0x4000): releasing operation connection (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sysdb_search_by_name] (0x0400): No such entry (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sysdb_cache_search_groups] (0x2000): Search groups with filter: (&(objectCategory=group)(ghost=someuser@mydomain.example.com)) (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sysdb_cache_search_groups] (0x2000): No such entry (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sysdb_delete_user] (0x0400): Error: 2 (No such file or directory) (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [dp_req_done] (0x0400): DP Request [Account #6104]: Request handler finished [0]: Success (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [_dp_req_recv] (0x0400): DP Request [Account #6104]: Receiving request data. (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [dp_req_reply_list_success] (0x0400): DP Request [Account #6104]: Finished. Success. (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [dp_req_reply_std] (0x1000): DP Request [Account #6104]: Returning [Success]: 0,0,Success (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [dp_table_value_destructor] (0x0400): Removing [0:1:0x0001:1::MYDOMAIN.example.com:name=someuser@mydomain.example.com] from reply table (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [dp_req_destructor] (0x0400): DP Request [Account #6104]: Request removed. (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [dp_req_destructor] (0x0400): Number of active DP request: 0 (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_process_result] (0x2000): Trace: sh[0x55ca2802d840], connected[1], ops[(nil)], ldap[0x55ca27fe0610] (2020-11-10 7:40:57): [be[MYDOMAIN.example.com]] [sdap_process_result] (0x2000): Trace: end of ldap_result list
And the following corresponding messages in '/var/log/secure':
Nov 10 07:40:57 myserver sshd[755]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): check pass; user unknown Nov 10 07:40:57 myserver sshd[755]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost= Nov 10 07:40:57 myserver sshd[755]: pam_sss(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost= user=someuser Nov 10 07:40:57 myserver sshd[755]: pam_sss(sshd:auth): received for user someuser: 10 (User not known to the underlying authentication module) Nov 10 07:40:59 myserver sshd[735]: error: PAM: User not known to the underlying authentication module for illegal user someuser from Nov 10 07:40:59 myserver sshd[735]: Failed keyboard-interactive/pam for invalid user someuser from port 53300 ssh2 Nov 10 07:40:59 myserver sshd[735]: Connection closed by port 53300 [preauth]
The effective '/etc/sssd/sssd.conf' file is as follows:
[sssd] domains = MYDOMAIN.example.com config_file_version = 2 services = nss, pam debug_level = 9
[domain/MYDOMAIN.example.com] ad_domain = MYDOMAIN.example.com krb5_realm = MYDOMAIN.EXAMPLE.COM krb5_lifetime = 10h subdomain_inherit = ignore_group_members, ldap_purge_cache_timeout ignore_group_members = true ldap_purge_cache_timeout = 0 realmd_tags = joined-with-adcli, manages-system cache_credentials = false id_provider = ad krb5_store_password_if_offline = true default_shell = /bin/bash ldap_id_mapping = true ldap_sasl_authid = MYSERVER$@MYDOMAIN.EXAMPLE.COM ldap_use_tokengroups = true use_fully_qualified_names = false fallback_homedir = /home/%d/%u access_provider = simple simple_allow_groups = linux_admins simple_allow_users = someuser, someuser2, someuser3 debug_level = 9
Running either of the following commands appears to correct the issue (until it presents again at an unpredictable time):
# systemctl restart sssd
# kdestroy -A ; kinit -k 'MYSERVER$@MYDOMAIN.EXAMPLE.COM'
Any assistance or insight you can offer would be greatly appreciated. We have run countless internet searches over recent weeks, as well as consulted with Red Hat Support without breakthroughs, so I decided to take this straight to the experts!
*J. Adam Craig* Lead Unix Operating Systems Analyst VCU Computer Center https://www.ucc.vcu.edu/ 804.828.4886 jacraig@vcu.edu
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