For critical stuff like NFS nodes, it is best practice for LDAP, DNS, SSD and NFS targets to have /etc/hosts file entries.

Especially for NFS/iSCSI stuff.  In my experience it doesn't recover at all usually required a reboot to get its state marbles/sanity back.

This isn't too painful if you have a configuration management system on your network like puppet or Redhat Satellite Server.

On Tue, Apr 21, 2020 at 4:11 PM Charles Hedrick <> wrote:
We just had to restart sssd on a large number of machines because we had a period of DNS failure. We’re using IPA as the backend. Faiures occurred on Centos 7 and 8 and Ubuntu 18.

I don’t necessarily expect everything to work when DNS is dead, but I did expect it t recover.

For the moment we’re adding entries to /etc/hosts on all of our systems for the IPA servers and our main file servers. Unfortunately DNS is run by the campus, so it’s not under our control.

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