We’re auditing for successful & healthy AD join of our 32K+ servers. Our check is basically this:
AUTHID=$(grep ldap_sasl_authid /etc/sssd/sssd.conf | awk '{print $3}')
[[ $AUTHID != host/* ]] && AUTHID=host/$AUTHID
kinit -k $AUTHID
i.e., kinit with the same service principal that sssd uses (prepending the "host/" prefix if not already existing).
We’ve identified about 200 “failing” servers, but upon closer inspection only about 30 of them are really failing.
The other 170 are failing the above naïve check, but sssd is properly working. Here’s an example:
Server has
ldap_sasl_authid =
but in /etc/krb5.keytab file ii has:
host/ host/
If you look at the sssd-ldap man page, it states:
ldap_sasl_authid (string) Specify the SASL authorization id to use. When GSSAPI/GSS-SPNEGO are used, this represents the Kerberos principal used for authentication to the directory. This option can either contain the full principal (for example host/ myhost@EXAMPLE.COM) or just the principal name (for example host/myhost). By default, the value is not set and the following principals are used:
hostname@REALM netbiosname$@REALM host/hostname@REALM *$@REALM host/*@REALM host/*
If none of them are found, the first principal in keytab is returned.
Default: host/hostname@REALM
If we have ldap_sasl_authid defined in /etc/sssd/sssd.conf file and it fails, does it try those other permutations above?
I'm guessing so, based on these 170 servers that are allegedly failing, but sssd is truly succeeding.
Spike White