On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 6:02 PM, Jakub Hrozek <jhrozek@redhat.com> wrote:
On Tue, Oct 06, 2015 at 03:40:45PM +0200, liedekef@telenet.be wrote:
> (sorry for top-osting, but using a webmail client for now).
> Here's my config (some obfuscation done):
> [sssd]
> config_file_version = 2
> # Number of times services should attempt to reconnect in the
> # event of a crash or restart before they give up
> reconnection_retries = 3
> # If a back end is particularly slow you can raise this timeout here
> sbus_timeout = 30
> services = nss, pam, ssh, sudo
> # SSSD will not start if you do not configure any domains.
> # Add new domain configurations as [domain/<NAME>] sections, and
> # then add the list of domains (in the order you want them to be
> # queried) to the "domains" attribute below and uncomment it.
> # domains = LOCAL,LDAP
> domains = LDAP
> [nss]
> # The following prevents SSSD from searching for the root user/group in
> # all domains (you can add here a comma-separated list of system accounts that
> # are always going to be /etc/passwd users, or that you want to filter out).
> filter_groups = root
> filter_users = root,ldap,named,avahi,haldaemon,messagebus,dbus,vcsa,ntp
> reconnection_retries = 3
> # The entry_cache_nowait_percentage indicates the percentage of the
> # entry_cache_timeout to wait before updating the cache out-of-band.
> # (NSS requests will still be returned from cache until the full
> # entry_cache_timeout). Setting this value to 0 turns this feature
> # off (default).
> # entry_cache_nowait_percentage = 300

Since you do not have re_expression tuned, any query in the form of
foo@bar gets split into (name=foo, domain=bar) and if there's no domain
bar, then sssd just shortcuts and returns ENOENT.

Can you try adding::
    re_expression = (?P<name>.+)

to the [sssd] section? That essentially tells sssd that the whole input
string is a username. The downside is that you won't be able to use
multiple domains..

That seems to do the trick. Although it seems weirs that in version 1.11 it worked just fine (as in 1.9 btw). I'll continue to test this.
Thanks already.
