On 26.03.2015 16:19, Ludger Koehler wrote:
Hi Timo,
sorry but i have a Question.
We use Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Server with sssd-ad to authenticate over Windows 2008 R2 AD and it works. But there is one Problem, "ad_access_filter" don't work.
in sssd.conf the parameter access_provider = ad ad_access_filter = DOM:(&(objectCategory=Group)(objectClass=samaccountname)(|(ou=group1)(ou=group2)(ou=group3)))
is set.
Other Filter like ad_access_filter = (|(memberOf=cn=group1,ou=gruppen,ou=examle,dc=test,dc=de)(memberOf=cn=group2,ou=gruppen,ou=example,dc=test,dc=de)(memberOf=cn=group3,ou=gruppen,ou=example,dc=test,dc=de))
don't work too.
Do you have an idea, whats the Problem or is it a Bug?
I guess the sssd-users list is better for questions like these, I don't know the answer off-hand.
(sssd version in 14.04 is still at 1.11.5 btw, if relevant here)