I beleive I understand the use of the the "ldap_idmap_default_domain_sid" directive. Most simply the MURMUR algorithm will be disabled and the domain configuration designated as the "default" domain will be assigned to slice [0]. My observation is that the UID-GID for an object becomes (ldap_idmap_range_min + <object_RID>) in this configuration.

The man pages are less clear on why and how specifying which domain is the default in a multi-domain configuration matters. My assumption is that the sole purpose of the "[domain/default]" and "ldap_idmap_default_domain" options is to do just that.


- Is the entended use for this domain stanza header?
- Is is still a valid configuration choice?


- Is the entended use for this configuration directive?
- If it is specified in one domain stanza in a multi-domain configuration will the configuration be honored across other configured domains?

Many thanks as always,

-- lawrence