this is admittedly low priority since this is all just a test network at this point, but we're looking to deploy sssd at work so I'd like to make sure all the kinks I know about are well understood/fixed
I have an openldap install with the following users (pmoody, peter) with uidNumbers (1001, 1002) respectively.
sssd works for both users from freebsd 11.2 prelease (sssd-1.11.7_11, whew, that's old).
sssd works for pmoody from debian stretch (1.15.0-3). it does *not* work for the user peter.
this is what happens for the user peter.
pmoody@deb:~$ sudo sss_cache -E pmoody@deb:~$ getent passwd pmoody pmoody:*:1001:500:Peter Moody:/home/pmoody:/bin/bash pmoody@deb:~$ getent passwd peter pmoody:*:1001:500:Peter Moody:/home/pmoody:/bin/bash pmoody@deb:~$
I've tried version 1.16.1-1, same results.
These are the ldap entries for the aforementioned users:
# peter, people, dn: uid=peter,ou=people,dc=x,dc=com cn: peter givenName: peter sn: moody uid: peter uidNumber: 1002 homeDirectory: /home/peter objectClass: top objectClass: posixAccount objectClass: shadowAccount objectClass: inetOrgPerson objectClass: organizationalPerson gidNumber: 500 loginShell: /usr/local/bin/fish
# pmoody, people, dn: uid=pmoody,ou=people,dc=x,dc=com cn: Peter Moody givenName: Peter sn: Moody uid: pmoody uidNumber: 1001 homeDirectory: /home/pmoody objectClass: top objectClass: posixAccount objectClass: shadowAccount objectClass: inetOrgPerson objectClass: organizationalPerson loginShell: /usr/local/bin/fish gidNumber: 500
on the debian box that exhibits this error, I see the following in the logs:
(Mon Jun 18 20:39:44 2018) [sssd[be[]]] [ldb] (0x4000): cancel ldb transaction (nesting: 2) (Mon Jun 18 20:39:44 2018) [sssd[be[]]] [sysdb_set_cache_entry_attr] (0x0080): ldb_modify failed: [No such object](32)[ldb_wait from ldb_modify with LDB_WAIT_ALL: No such object (32)] (Mon Jun 18 20:39:44 2018) [sssd[be[]]] [sysdb_set_cache_entry_attr] (0x0400): No such entry (Mon Jun 18 20:39:44 2018) [sssd[be[]]] [sysdb_set_entry_attr] (0x0080): Cannot set attrs for,cn=users,,cn=sysdb, 2 [No such file or directory] (Mon Jun 18 20:39:44 2018) [sssd[be[]]] [sysdb_store_user] (0x0040): Cache update failed: 2 (Mon Jun 18 20:39:44 2018) [sssd[be[]]] [ldb] (0x4000): cancel ldb transaction (nesting: 1) (Mon Jun 18 20:39:44 2018) [sssd[be[]]] [sysdb_store_user] (0x0400): Error: 2 (No such file or directory) (Mon Jun 18 20:39:44 2018) [sssd[be[]]] [sdap_save_user] (0x0020): Failed to save user [] (Mon Jun 18 20:39:44 2018) [sssd[be[]]] [sdap_save_users] (0x0040): Failed to store user 0. Ignoring.
it kind of looks like what was reported here :
but I don't see a resolution to that report.
any suggestions on what I can do to fix this? logs/configs I can provide to help isolate the problem?
Cheers, peter