-----Original Message----- From: Domenico Viggiani [mailto:dviggiani@tiscali.it]
-----Original Message-----
Then I'm 100% sure we have a bug. The group shouldn't have the non- posix flag after it was updated.
Can you tell us anything about this group: (Mon Mar 16 16:57:52 2015) [sssd[be[MYDOMAIN.COM]]] [sdap_save_group] (0x1000): Mapping group [Organigramma] objectSID [S-1-5-21-
2151176789-1472819363-28039] to unix ID
Is it from the same domain? What type does the group have?
Searching for name "Organigramma", I get three results:
dn: OU=Organigramma,OU=Liste di Distribuzione,DC=mydomain,DC=COM ...
Jakub, sorry for disturbance: had you a chance to review this problem? We are currently forced to allow login to all users on Red Hat 7 boxes.
Do you suggest to open a 'parallel' ticket with Red Hat?
Thanks --
On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 09:27:13AM +0100, Domenico Viggiani wrote:
-----Original Message----- From: Domenico Viggiani [mailto:dviggiani@tiscali.it]
-----Original Message-----
Then I'm 100% sure we have a bug. The group shouldn't have the non- posix flag after it was updated.
Can you tell us anything about this group: (Mon Mar 16 16:57:52 2015) [sssd[be[MYDOMAIN.COM]]] [sdap_save_group] (0x1000): Mapping group [Organigramma] objectSID [S-1-5-21-
2151176789-1472819363-28039] to unix ID
Is it from the same domain? What type does the group have?
Searching for name "Organigramma", I get three results:
dn: OU=Organigramma,OU=Liste di Distribuzione,DC=mydomain,DC=COM ...
Jakub, sorry for disturbance: had you a chance to review this problem?
Not yet, sorry.
We are currently forced to allow login to all users on Red Hat 7 boxes.
Do you suggest to open a 'parallel' ticket with Red Hat?
Please do, thanks.