Hi David,

What you describe is not how things are normally done with Suds. Usually the body is automatically created by Suds by invoking methods that are defined in the WSDL. If you control the SOAP server endpoint and wanted to pass arbitrary XML, you could always create a custom method (eg sendXML) with a string parameter for the XML body you wanted to send. It's a bit hacky, and you'd have to make sure things were properly encoded, but it would work.

 - Chris

On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 4:16 PM, David Greco <David_Greco@harte-hanks.com> wrote:

I am using Suds as a client. Trying to get it to simply call a service/method with a prebuilt XML string for the body (but let Suds handle the soap-specific enveloping).  Is this doable? So far I accomplished it by manually adding the soap evenlope, header, and body tags around the xml. Is there a better way?




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