We're facing the same issue with suds & soaplib..

we've ended up with a solution that we're using FileCache for suds so after implementing caching suds side,
we're facing BadStatusLine problem very rarely...

Thanks for the feedback !
Two question: :)
1:  do you mean :

    client = suds.client.Client(url,cache=None) ==> 
        client = suds.client.Client(url)


from suds.transport.cache import FileCache
mycache = FileCache(days=90)
mytransport = MyTransport(cache=mycache)

#NOTE: In fact, set cache did not solve the problem at all.
Besides, if  remote server makes some change, the cache of client is terrible.

2:  Now, what's the server-side you are using? soaplib?
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some useful link,hope they are helpful to you:

-- Jia Xiaolei