Hello I’m just starting with suds and Python,


I have a Polymorphic WS width just one entry point  “response PocessMessage(request)”

So I have many classes for different messages to send to the Server

For example,  I have a class “GetUser” with the user name , in response I get a UserObjet with the information for that user.


My problem occur if I have an empty message, something like “GetALLUserList”, this message doesn´t have any data

And in response I get an array of user objects.


I’m Attaching a small WSDL showing the problem.

And the code looks like this:



# create a service client using the wsdl.


url = ''

client = Client(url, username='admin', password='password', cache=None)

print client




# create a GetUserRequest object using the wsdl


print 'create GetUserRequest'

GetUserRequest = client.factory.create('ns1:GetUserRequest')


result=client.service.ProcessMessage(GetUserRequest )

print result



# create a GetAllUsersRequest object using the wsdl


GetAllUsersRequest = client.factory.create('ns1:GetAllUsersRequest')


print result2



and error occurred when I try to Invoke the ProccessMessage function with and Empty class



Thanks a lot in advance


Victor Gimeno