SUDS is great!!
I'm new to python so I'm trying to extract returned values from a web service.
>print abcitems[0].ABC    <<==== HOW DO I EXTRACT THE desc, name and id attributes


desc = "ABC development test data."

name = "Software Development"

id = "1207232790599"


>print abcitems[0].ABC.desc

AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'desc'


>wsdlurl = 'http://localhost:8080/externaldataservicemodule/CtsDataExportService?wsdl'

>theclient = Client(wsdlurl)

>print theclient

service ( CtsDataExportService )

    prefixes (2)

        ns0 =

        ns2 = ""

    ports (1):


          methods (2):


              getABC(xs:long id, )

    types (85):


>abcItems = theclient.service.getABCItems

>print abcItems     <<=== there is only 1 item


desc = "ABC development test data."

name = "Software Development"

id = "1207232790599"


>print abcitems[0].ABC    <<==== HOW DO I EXTRACT THE desc, name and id attributes


desc = "ABC development test data."

name = "Software Development"

id = "1207232790599"
