On 03/22/2016 11:57 AM, Josh Berkus wrote:
On 03/22/2016 08:39 AM, Ronit Halder wrote:
I have a query about the proposal submitted in https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/. Will it be only the proposal or full application with my personal detail?
do I need to put the dull proposal in the application in the "Proposal Description" part?
I don't really understand your question. Can you rephrase it?
As to part one I understood that to be: Will my official google application contain my personal info in a way that is publicly visible
As to the second apart I got a parsing error as well but my best guess is where does Ronit put the proposal details, sadly it's been years since I've seen the form so can't be an authoritative answer for that.
- -- Corey W. Sheldon Freelance IT Tutor Security Researcher | Fedora Ambassador, North America sheldon.corey@gmail.com | csheldon@ameridea.net | corey84@fedoraproject.org ph: (11)+1.310.909.7672 skype: cwwsheldon PGP: BB082E66 | 7F261220 | 206116E6 Tox: corey84@toxme.io 9357bc6a5944a08afc7d1effd61f6a73b9eabf8b2fb84acf1dac9a1a4d0a4705ffccd0e5499b Linphone: linuxmodder ricochet:qxcgel5jqoqcb3q2 btc:15cn1BvAFEREHk8UekJ6i9Dxi9Wbw6vzDD
"Have no way as way, no limitation as limitation." -- Bruce lee "One must never underestimate the power of boredom...from which creativity and laziness are borne, which can spark great works of chaos and genius." -- Unknown
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